OSSEC Intrusion Detection Installation On Centos 7OSSEC Intrusion Detection Installation On Centos 7

OSSEC Intrusion Detection Installation On Centos 7

OSSEC (Open Source HIDS SECurity) is an open source host-based intrusion detection system (HIDS).  It performs log analysis, integrity scanning, rootkit…

Configure ProFTPd for SFTP on CentOSConfigure ProFTPd for SFTP on CentOS

Configure ProFTPd for SFTP on CentOS

This is a guide on how to configure ProFTPd for SFTP sessions. Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) is a secure…

How To Check And Repair MyISAM Tables In MySQLHow To Check And Repair MyISAM Tables In MySQL

How To Check And Repair MyISAM Tables In MySQL

MySQL tables can become corrupt for a variety for reasons such as incomplete writes, running out of space, the MySQL…

Mod_Expires Configuration In ApacheMod_Expires Configuration In Apache

Mod_Expires Configuration In Apache

mod_expires is a module which runs on the Apache web server. It allows manipulation of the cache control headers to…

WebP Image Conversion On A Linux ServerWebP Image Conversion On A Linux Server

WebP Image Conversion On A Linux Server

WebP is a new image format that provides a lossless and lossy compression on PNG and JPEG file types. It…

CollectD System Performance Monitor Installation On Centos 7CollectD System Performance Monitor Installation On Centos 7

CollectD System Performance Monitor Installation On Centos 7

Collectd is a daemon which collects system performance data and metrics. It runs as a daemon and the data it collects…

How To Setup mod_rewrite In ApacheHow To Setup mod_rewrite In Apache

How To Setup mod_rewrite In Apache

mod_rewrite is a Apache module installed on linux servers to manipulate URLs submitted in the browser to perform other functions…
