OSSEC Intrusion Detection Installation On Centos 7

OSSEC (Open Source HIDS SECurity) is an open source host-based intrusion detection system (HIDS).  It performs log analysis, integrity scanning, rootkit…


Configure ProFTPd for SFTP on CentOS

This is a guide on how to configure ProFTPd for SFTP sessions. Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) is a secure…


How To Check And Repair MyISAM Tables In MySQL

MySQL tables can become corrupt for a variety for reasons such as incomplete writes, running out of space, the MySQL…


Mod_Expires Configuration In Apache

mod_expires is a module which runs on the Apache web server. It allows manipulation of the cache control headers to…


WebP Image Conversion On A Linux Server

WebP is a new image format that provides a lossless and lossy compression on PNG and JPEG file types. It…


CollectD System Performance Monitor Installation On Centos 7

Collectd is a daemon which collects system performance data and metrics. It runs as a daemon and the data it collects…


How To Setup mod_rewrite In Apache

mod_rewrite is a Apache module installed on linux servers to manipulate URLs submitted in the browser to perform other functions…
