Journalctl Introduction and Examples

Journalctl sytemd output

journalctl was added into the  systemd release of CentOS 7 and has been part of Fedora since 17. It is a logging system for querying and printing messages form the journal. It can be used in with or replacing older logging services like rsyslogd. Journalct also uses highlighting for high priority messages in red and bold for lines with notice and warning priorites. All data is shown when searching, including rotated logs.

Boot messages

Show boot messages:

journalctl -b

Show the last boot message:

journalctl -b -1

List boots of the system:

journalctl --list-boots

Type searches

Show error messages:

journalctl -p err

Show critical messages:

journalctl -p crit

Show messages by a specific user:

journalct -u httpd

Show messages  relating to a specific disk:

journalctl /dev/sda

Time based searches

Show messages since yesterday:

journalctl --since yesterday

Show messages until a certain date & time:

journalctl --until "2017-5-03 11:59:59"

Show messages between two times:

journalctl --since 04:400 --until 10:59

Show last 20 messages:

journalctl -n 20

Live output

Tail the logs:

journalctl -f

Get live output from a specific service:

journalctl -u mysql.service -f

Filtering output

Show journalctl metadata:

journalctl -o verbose


Creating persistant storage for journalctl

If you would like create persistant storage for journalctl do the following:

mkdir -p /var/log/journal

then restart journald:

systemctl restart systemd-journald
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