Linux Performance Tuning 14
Performance tutorials to increase linux server and website performance, through system changes, browser and content caching and optimization guides for various services and system processes.
Nginx Caching for WordPress using fastcgi_cache
Caching PHP requests can dramatically reduce server resources per request and make the pages load time decrease substantially. In this tutorial we are going to utilize the fastcgi_cache functions in nginx to cache PHP requests making it. This tutorial assumes you have the following already completed on your server: Nginx installed, if you do not […]
Install The ngx_cache_purge Module In Nginx
Ngx_cache_purge is a module which will allow the fastcgi_cache, proxy, SCGI and uWSGI caches to have content purged from them. The caches allow precompiled code to be served as opposed to running a new version each time. This can greatly reduce the amount of processing power per page request. This specific module allows that cached […]
Nginx Load Balancing
Nginx can be used as a load balancer to multiple back-end web servers using the proxy functions. This guide will cover the basics of configuring the proxy server to pull from the other web servers. It assumes you already have completed the initial install of Nginx. If you do not already have a install please […]
MariaDB 10 Upgrade From MySQL 5.1 on CentOS 6
MariaDB is a fork of MySQL that was created from some of the original developers of mysql after MySQL was purchased by Oracle. Upgrading to MariaDB offers a range of benefits and is a relatively simple upgrade. It has more active development then MySQL currently and is just developed by Oracle support as MySQL is. […]
Setup and Optimize Zend OpCache
Zend OPCache: Zend OpCache is a caching engine that comes with PHP by default in later releases (PHP 5.5 and above). It is a caching engine that stores precompiled php code in memory which ultimately results in performance increase as the code does not have to be fully recompiled on each new request. The degree to […]
Disable WordPress Crontab and Run it Manually
By default WordPress runs wp-cron.php every time someone visits your site. This causes increased load on the server each time a page is requested. On low traffic sites this really isnt noticeable but on higher traffic sites this can become problematic and cause increased load and resource consumption on the server. Turn off the WordPress […]
Increasing MySQL Max Connections
You can see what the current setting is by running the following SQL command from the MySQL command line tool, phpMyAdmin, or a similar tool: show variables like "max_connections"; This will return a resultset like this, showing you what your current max connections setting is: MariaDB [(none)]> show variables like "max_connections"; +-----------------+-------+ | Variable_name | Value | […]
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