Linux 36
Linux tutorials for systems administrators and users wanting to manage linux systems, covering various topics such as administration, security, performance tuning, upgrades, and maintenance.
How To Configure A Nginx Reverse Proxy With Apache
Nginx can as a reverse proxy to Apache. Nginx does best at serving static content extremely fast whereas Apache can process dynamic content and use all of the various Apache modules and .htaccess that are typically the web standard of hosting. This guide assumes you already have a Apache installation and would like to add […]
Setup Nginx Virtual Hosts On CentOS
Introduction Nginx is a high performance web server. ANginx virtual host can be setup to host as many domains as your server can handle. If you have not already please see our guides on Nginx Compile From Source as well as PHP-FPM With PHP7 From Source. These 2 guides will lay the foundation of core services for […]
How To Setup Nginx To Use SSL With LetsEncrypt
What is LetsEncrypt? Let’s Encrypt is a certificate Authority that launched in 2016 providing free TSL SSL certificates that renew every 90 days. There are several validation methods for LetsEncrypt to verify the domain you are generating the certificate for is one you actually control. In this guide we will be utilizing the webroot method. […]
How To Use LVM To Create A New Logical Volume
What is LVM Logical Volume Managment (LVM) is an abstraction layer between physical devices and the file systems which they create. This can make disk management easier by adding abilities to shrink or expand filesystems by just adding additional physical devices no longer being limited to a single physical device as the volume can span […]
KVM Virsh Console Access on CentOS 7
By default Kernel-Based Virtual Machines(KVM) are not set up to access a serial console on the host using virsh. To enable a serial virsh console, so you can view text-based output on the host machine from the virtual machine you will need to make modifications to both the virtual machine and the physical machine. Enabling […]
SELinux Introduction In CentOS 7
What is SELinux? Security-Enhanced Linux (SELinux) was developed to provide access control for linux. It goes beyond file permissions and ACLs to create a more secure environment by limiting access. It is based on subjects, objects, and actions. A subject is the running command or application(example proftpd), the object is anything that can be accessed […]
FirewallD Introduction On CentOS 7
What is FirewallD? Firewalld was introduced in CentOS 7/ RHEL 7 with both a GUI and command line interface for making changes. It is a alternative for using IPtables. If offers a zone based firewall configuration that allows you to enable different zones with different levels of trust. Different Zone possibilities Zones change be changed, […]
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